Peru prepares to export frozen fruit to China

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Peru prepares to export frozen fruit to China

Peru's Minister of Agrarian Development and Irrigation, Ángel Manero, announced that the country is preparing to export frozen fruit to the Asian giant's market.

"We are talking about fruits such as avocados, blueberries, and mangoes, which do not go to the traditional household market, but to restaurants, hotels, and supermarkets," he said in statements collected by Midagri.

The Peruvian agricultural representative also pointed out that the protocols for pomegranate and Peruvian pecans are on the verge of being formalized, potentially during the visit of the Chinese Customs Minister next September.

Manero said that export expectations are important, since "only in fresh fruit we are exporting 300 million dollars to China and with this new entry we could increase by 30%."

In addition, the Asian country represents a potential market of 1.4 billion consumers.

Regarding table grapes, a fruit on which protocols were updated for shipment by plane to China, the minister said that this market is "extremely important".

"By plane, the fruit can be sent more mature. It is a tastier product for the consumer, fresher and in two days it is already on the market," said the minister.

Port of Chancay, key for agro-exports

Regarding the port of Chancay, which is scheduled to start operations at the end of this year, the minister commented that it is a maritime terminal that will boost agro-exports and that it is key, "because the freight costs for its transportation will represent 30% less than the current cost, which will make us more competitive compared to other ports".

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