Vietnam grants access to California peaches and nectarines

The USDA announced this week that Vietnam has granted market access to California peaches and nectarines after many years of negotiations.
“This is a fantastic example of USDA scientists providing the quality and objective research that was essential for Vietnam’s approval and for future U.S. industry exports,” said Dr. Chavonda Jacobs-Young, USDA Chief Scientist and Under Secretary for Research, Education, and Economics. “This new international market access underscores the critical value of federal scientific research and data to the overall food supply system.”
The California Fresh Fruit Association says it would like to extend its appreciation to the USDA’ and added there will be strict production and packing protocols in place.
The California Department of Food and Agriculture, along with the Fresno and Tulare County Agricultural Commissioner's offices, also contributed to this process.
“The California stone fruit industry identified Vietnam as a strategic export market because Vietnamese consumers value high-quality and sweet fruit. Naturally, the varieties California growers have invested in over the years will be popular there. Access to this market is something our industry has been working towards for a significant amount of time, so we are looking forward to introducing the best stone fruit in the world to a new group of consumers” said Caroline Stringer, CFFA Director of Trade.