Turkey's citrus production and exports on the rise

According to the latest USDA Citrus World Markets and Trade report, Turkey's mandarin production this season is expected to reach a record high due to favorable weather during the bloom.
The country's production of oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruits is also expected to increase due to favorable weather, offsetting a decrease in production in other leading producers.
Turkey's production is estimated to increase by 55% to 2.9 million tons, and exports are estimated to rise 17% to 1.0 million tons. Exports generally peak in December, with the top trading partner, Russia, accounting for 50% of exports.
Due to favorable weather in both China and Turkey and higher yields in Turkey, global tangerine and mandarin production for 2023-24 is estimated to increase by 1.2 million tons to 38.2 million. Consumption and exports are also estimated to increase thanks to the spike in production.
Tangerine and mandarin production is expected to be higher in other countries as well. In both Morocco and the United States, production is estimated to be 2% higher than last season. Peru's production is estimated to increase by 10,000 tons thanks to cooler weather and drier conditions.
South Africa can expect a fruitful 2023-24, production is estimated to rise 8% to a record 780,000 tons, more than double from five years ago. Consumption and exports are expected up thanks to new plantings reaching full production.
There will be a decrease in both mandarins and tangerines in the European Union and Chile. The EU's production is estimated to drop 297,000 tons to 2.7 million, and due to unfavorable weather, their fruit is anticipated to be smaller and of lower quality.
Morocco and South Africa are expected to remain the leading suppliers of fruit to the EU.
Chile's production is estimated to be down 10% to 242,000 tons due to droughts and insufficient water for irrigation. Consumption and exports are also down.
Global orange production will rise slightly, 1% to 47.4 million tons. The slight increase can be attributed to larger crops in Egypt, the United States, and Turkey offsetting a decrease in both Brazil and the EU.
Turkey's production is estimated to rebound over 30% to 1.7 million tons due to favorable weather leading to a good bloom, following a freeze the year before.
Exports are flat while both consumption and Fruit processing will increase.
The United States' production of both oranges and orange juice is estimated to increase. The country's orange production is expected to rise 8% to 2.5 million tons thanks to favorable weather. Orange juice is forecast to rebound 9% to 93,000 tons thanks to the increase in oranges available for processing, especially in Florida.
Orange juice consumption is lower due to a decrease in imports from Brazil.
Brazil's lower yields can be attributed primarily to poor weather, such as droughts, and citrus greening. Due to reduced supplies, consumption and fruit for processing are estimated down as well.
Thanks to bearing trees in Jiangxi province, China's production is projected to increase slightly to a record 7.6 million tons. Exports are estimated to nearly triple thanks to higher production. Consumption and imports are forecasted to decrease.
Global grapefruit production in 2023-24 is estimated to increase slightly to 6.9 million tons due to higher production in both China and Turkey.
Global lemon/lime production is estimated to increase by 2% to 10.1 million tons thanks to higher production in the European Union and Turkey, offsetting a decrease in production in Argentina and Mexico.
Global exports and consumption are up thanks to higher supply.