Agronometrics Interviews: Poland's 2024 blueberry season with BERRY LU

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Agronometrics Interviews: Poland's 2024 blueberry season with BERRY LU

In this installment of the ‘Agronometrics In Interviews’ series, we conduct an exclusive interview with Marta Staszewska from BERRY LU. The series is based on interviews with esteemed professionals from the industry, focusing on a specific origin or topic visualizing the market factors that are driving change.

BERRY LU is a company headquartered in Ludwin, Poland, that operates both as a blueberry plant nursery and a fresh blueberry grower. This dual activity provides them with a unique and comprehensive understanding of the Polish blueberry market and its offerings.

Marta Staszewska (Photo: Courtesy of Berry Lu)

What are the most popular blueberry varieties among Polish growers?

In our blueberry nursery, we experience the highest demand for new varieties such as Draper, Calypso, and Liberty. Draper and Calypso are valued primarily for their high-quality berries, which are large, firm, and have a good shelf-life. Liberty, a late variety, is expected to extend the harvest season until September, when growers can fetch high prices for the fruit. Regarding early varieties, Duke continues to hold its top position. The popularity of Chandler, a star from a few years back, is now slowly declining.

Although Chandler's berries are large, tasty, and generally very attractive, they do not store well, especially compared to Draper. Our clients are not removing Chandler from their plantations completely, but they are not planting more of it.

When it comes to amateur cultivation of blueberries, meaning blueberries grown in backyard gardens or small hobby farms, Bluecrop, Chandler, and Patriot are still very popular. These varieties are considered "classic": well-known and reliable. However, Draper and Liberty are also gaining interest in this segment.

Can you describe the characteristics of new blueberry plantations in Poland?

New plantations in Poland are mostly small, often micro-sized, around 0.5 hectares. These are typically not planned as long-term investments but rather as a way to increase the farm's economic size in the process of applying for EU funds. The yield from such plantations is larger than the family's needs but too small to attract large buyers. Consequently, these farmers try to sell their berries at local markets. While one such farmer might not have a significant impact, a large number of them can spoil the market in several ways:

  1. Lower quality of fruit: In many cases, quality is not a priority for such farmers.
  2. Unknown history of plant protection product usage: This affects the quality of the fruit.
  3. Low prices: These prices might be below production cost because the farmers need to sell the fruit quickly.

Poor quality fruit, even if cheap, can harm the image of blueberries among consumers. This situation is especially tricky considering the growing demand for fruit and vegetables bought directly from local farmers.

How are fresh blueberry sales going this season?

This season, almost half of our production is being sold directly to individuals for fresh consumption or preserves. We maintain a fixed price, which is higher than the average local market price, yet clients continue to return for more. The quality of our berries speaks for itself.

Poland Fresh Export Price by Partner | Cultivated All

This is also the first season we’ve received such a high number of requests for blueberries from other countries, both within Europe and from further afield, including the Middle East and even India. Despite the high transport and customs costs, the price of Polish blueberries remains attractive to these markets. We have already shipped our blueberries to Dubai and are working on expanding our export potential.


Poland Fresh Export Volume By Partner | Cultivated Conventional

Poland Fresh Export Volume to the UAE | Cultivated Conventional


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