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First 2024-25 Peruvian grape estimate projects volume uptick

September 03 , 2024

The Peruvian Association of Table Grape Producers and Exporters (Provid) released the first estimate for the 2024-2025 season, with a projected volume of 78.7 million boxes to be shipped.

The data provided by Provid is based on volumes estimated by members and producers.

The northern zone of Peru faced climatic challenges last season but is expected to recover significantly.

The Peruvian table grape industry has demonstrated resilience, reflected in its capacity to adapt to changing consumer preferences, with the incorporation of new varieties that have also increased yields.

Related articles: Peruvian Provid says there will be a "higher volume of table grapes than last season"

As for markets, Provid indicated that this season, table grape shipments will reach more than 50 markets, including the United States, Europe, Latin America, and China, consolidating its global presence.

The main areas producing table grapes in Peru are Ica, with 49% of production, followed by Piura (37%), Lambayeque (6%), La Libertad (5%), Arequipa (3%), Ancash (0.5%), Lima (0.5%) and Moquegua (0.1%).

Table grape cultivation has driven significant economic growth in the producing regions. This development not only contributes to local economic stability but also reflects the industry's commitment to sustainable practices that promote resource conservation and the well-being of communities. This, Provid said, reinforces the country's commitment to responsible economic, social, and environmental development.

Provid indicated that they will continue to update projections. New estimates are expected in October and December when the campaign is underway.

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