Australian plums gain access to Vietnam

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Australian plums gain access to Vietnam

Australia and Vietnam have signed an agreement that will allow Australia to export plums to Vietnam, the country's Minister of Agriculture announced. 

The deal is a two-way agricultural market access agreement that provides Australian plums to Vietnam and Vietnamese passionfruit to Australia. 

Australia’s agriculture, fisheries, and forestry exports to Vietnam were worth $3.7 billion in 2023-24, and growing trade for stone fruit further solidified the relationship with its sixth-largest export market.

This outcome supports the agricultural industry’s aim to grow towards becoming a $100 billion sector, and the Australian horticultural sector’s aim to become a $20 billion business by 2030.

The next pairing on the trade agenda are Australian blueberries and Vietnamese pomelos, with negotiations well underway.

Julie Collins MP, Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry of Australia said the new market access is a significant milestone for the stone fruit industry and for the Australia-Vietnam trading relationship.

"Accelerating mutual market access outcomes reflects Australia and Vietnam’s strong bilateral relationship and drive to support our agriculture industries to capitalize on export opportunities," said Collins.

Julie Collins MP, Australian Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

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