USDA seeking comments on Proposed Rule changing maturity requirements for South Florida avocados

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USDA seeking comments on Proposed Rule changing maturity requirements for South Florida avocados

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is seeking public comments on a proposed change to the maturity requirements for the Beta avocado variety under the federal marketing order for avocados grown in South Florida.

The proposed change would update the avocado maturity shipping schedule to allow certain sizes and weights of the Beta avocado variety to be shipped two weeks earlier. This would also result in a corresponding change to the avocado import maturity regulations under Section 8e.

The Avocado Administrative Committee has recommended this action to reflect the earlier maturation of Beta avocados and ensure that consumers receive high-quality fruit.

The Proposed Rule was published in the Federal Register on September 20, 2024. Written comments are due by November 19, 2024. Feedback can be submitted online at or by mail to the Docket Clerk, Market Development Division, Specialty Crops Program, Agricultural Marketing Service, USDA, 1400 Independence Avenue SW, STOP 0237, Washington, DC 20250-0237. 

All comments received by the deadline will be made publicly available and considered before the final rule is published.

Additional information about the marketing order regulating avocados grown in South Florida and imported avocados is available on the AMS 915 Florida Avocados webpage.

Authorized by the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937, marketing orders are industry-driven programs that help fruit, vegetable, and specialty crop producers and handlers achieve marketing success by pooling resources to design and execute programs they could not undertake individually. 

The USDA's Agricultural Marketing Service provides oversight to ensure fiscal accountability and program integrity for each marketing order and agreement.

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