The Top Seven

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The Top Seven

These are's top seven stories of the week.

Agronometric's CEO highlights potential impact of machine harvesting on blueberry industry

Colin Fain, CEO of Agronometrics, emphasized the collaborative nature of the blueberry industry and the potential of machine harvesting during a recent discussion on the International Blueberry Organization (IBO) report.

Agronometrics, a market intelligence company, plays a key role in compiling the IBO report, a comprehensive 230-page analysis that provides vital data for the blueberry industry.

U.S. Ambassador to Mexico commends Michoacán's effort to combat illegal avocado orchards

U.S. Ambassador to Mexico Ken Salazar has recognized Michoacán's efforts against deforestation and climate change by combatting illegal avocado orchards. 

In a press release, the diplomat celebrated Michoacán's new Decree for Certification against Deforestation and voluntary Pro-Forest Avocado certification, which includes over 148,000 hectares of avocado orchards.

Camposol welcomes a new Avocado Business Unit Senior Manager

Camposol has announced the addition of Pedro Aguilar Niño as Senior Manager of the Avocado Business Unit.

His new role covers all Camposol avocado operations, including locations in Peru and Colombia, the strategy for the purchase of fruit, the fresh and frozen categories, and the extension of current businesses at origin and/or destination in the avocado business. He will be responsible for the growth strategy of all categories of the avocado business and its margins at an integral level.

Global organic banana market is anticipated to grow

According to Market Research Intellect, a global research and consulting firm service that provides analytical research, the global organic banana market is anticipated to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 16.99% between 2024 and 2031 and US$7.35 billion by 2024. The valuation is expected to reach US$22.03 billion by 2031.

Mexican avocado prices impacted by high supply

As Mexican supplies continue to dominate the U.S. avocado market, specialized intelligence firm Avobook warned about price dips in larger-sized fruit in its week 38 report. Mexican avocados accounted for 87% of shipments.

Univesity of Florida professor poised to improve organic citrus production

Dr. Davie Kadyampakeni, University of Florida's associate professor of citrus water and nutrient management, is working to improve organic citrus production and sustainability through enhanced soil health, horticultural, and pest management practices. 

With new funding from the USDA-NIFA's Organic Agriculture Research and Extension Initiative (OREI), professor Kadyampakeni conducts his research at the Citrus Research and Education Center in Lake Alfred. His team will work closely with organic citrus growers, focusing on enhancing soil health, increasing efficiency, and managing pests, all while maintaining the core values of organic farming.

German supermarket seizes $7.8M cocaine shipment

Employees at an unidentified discount supermarket chain in Germany discovered 210 lbs. of cocaine hidden inside banana crates, reported. The street value of the drugs is estimated to be $7.8 million.

Workers at two stores of a discount retail chain in Mönchengladbach discovered the cocaine bricks on September 10. Later that same day, drugs were also uncovered at the chain's stores in the nearby cities of Duisburg, Krefeld, Viersen, Heinsberg, and Neuss.

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