The Hot Climate Partnership unveils new apple variety: STELLAR™

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The Hot Climate Partnership unveils new apple variety: STELLAR™

A collaboration that brings together two science organizations, the Hot Climate Partnership (HCP), just unveiled their new apple variety STELLAR™, the first early variety in the world specifically adapted to climates with hot summers.

STELLAR™, also known by its varietal name “HOT81A1”, is the result of over 20 years of genetic improvement and scientific development, and the second varietal release from the Hot Climate Partnership following the successful launch of the TUTTI™ apple in early 2023.

The fruit's skin is a bright red hue and is similar in size to Gala, with the added advantage of ripening one to two weeks earlier. 

According to Joan Bonany, a researcher at the Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology in Catalonia, the apple is the first variety to ripen in the production calendar, meaning the apple would be in the market in the middle of summer. He says that "even with the warm temperatures of July and mid-August, it develops a very bright and attractive red color. This, combined with a crunchy and juicy texture, makes STELLAR a very interesting apple variety for the entire value chain.”

Morgan Rogers, CEO of VentureFruit, the global subsidiary chosen to commercialize HCP varieties, says the apple is a variety that will benefit growers thanks to its resistance to hot weather.

"As temperatures rise around the world, apples can ripen too quickly, and heat also affects color, texture and yield," he explains. "Innovations such as the development of STELLAR™ are essential to offer growers new varietal options, specifically selected for hot climates, ensuring that consumers can continue to enjoy apples with great flavor, texture and appearance.”

Although the variety was developed to withstand high temperatures, it also grows well in the temperate climates typical of the major apple production areas in Europe.

The Hot Climate Partnership was launched in 2002 to address the challenges facing Catalan apple and pear growers. It is a collaboration between the Institute for Agri-Food Research and Technology of Catalonia (IRTA), Plant & Food Research of New Zealand, the Catalan fruit growers' association Fruit Futur, and VentureFruit, T&G Global's subsidiary for the management and marketing of new varieties, as a strategic partner for the marketing of the Hot Climate Partnership varieties globally.

The program has a broad portfolio of 13 apple varieties and 6 pear varieties, which are completing their final years of evaluation and testing on a pre-commercial scale.

The organization has shortlisted two additional varieties expected to be commercialized from 2025, both specifically bred to tolerate hot climates.

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