South African table grape industry foreseeing growth in export volumes

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South African table grape industry foreseeing growth in export volumes

The South African Table Grape Industry (SATI) foresees an increase in table grape export volumes for the 2024-25 season of approximately 1%, and a 6% increase compared to the five-year average.

The industry estimates an output of 76.4 million cartons, with the upper limit expected at approximately 78.7 million cartons and the lower limit at approximately 74.1 million cartons.

The Northern Provinces in South Africa are expected to see a marginal decrease of 3%, attributed to an 8% reduction in the total planted area. The Berg and Hex River regions' anticipated volumes are expected to remain closely aligned with the five-year average.

The country experienced cold temperatures this past winter season, which SATI says is a positive indicator of a quality crop. Winter rainfall also increased dam levels, ensuring sufficient water availability for a normal season.

SATI’s latest vine census indicates a continued increase in white seedless cultivars, reflecting South Africa’s alignment with global market needs.

According to a press release by the organization, "the first crop estimate represents a reasonable deduction based on multiple factors," and figures may be revised as necessary.

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