Latin American industry denounces low banana prices set by European retailer

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Latin American industry denounces low banana prices set by European retailer

The associations of banana producers and exporters from Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Peru, and the Dominican Republic all came together to denounce the decrease in the selling price of bananas originating from the region at retailer Lidl (GER). 

The supermarket chain currently sells bananas originating in Latin America at 0.89 euros per kg, a 47% or 0.90 euros reduction from the original price set by Rewe and Edeka. The decrease, they claim, "demonstrates a lack of commitment of retailers to sustainability."

The Latin American banana representatives stated that they continually "reject the practices of supermarkets and discount stores of offering bananas of Latin American origin in promotions that devalue the sustainability efforts of local producers and exporters intending to attract consumers to other products," since the decrease devaluates all efforts by banana producers and exporters to provide high-quality and sustainable bananas to be void."The association states that without concrete action from retailers to change their harmful business practices towards the industry, all efforts towards sustainability remain an empty promise and accused retailers of failing to assume shared responsibility, while belonging to the supply chain, and unilaterally imposing higher and more costly burdens on producers and exporters, putting the banana production at risk. 

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