DiMuto tackles supply chain inefficiency in Mexico, grows in US with AI-driven solutions

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DiMuto tackles supply chain inefficiency in Mexico, grows in US with AI-driven solutions

DiMuto announced the strategic expansion of its operations in Mexico, gaining traction in the fresh strawberries and dry vegetables sector. Partnering with a top global produce distributor in the United States, DiMuto is poised to digitally transform the fresh produce supply chain with its innovative trade management solutions.  

Building on its three core pillars – Trade Management, Marketplace, and Financial Services – DiMuto continues to advance its AI-powered Marketplace. Over the next few months, the company aims to digitalize, track, and facilitate the movement of over US$3 million worth of fresh produce including cucumbers, bell peppers, and strawberries from Mexico into the  United States.  

This significant milestone reinforces DiMuto’s mission to redefine global AgriTrade, enhancing transparency, traceability, and operational efficiency while promoting sustainability across the supply chain. Leveraging cuPng-edge AI and data-driven insights, DiMuto streamlines complex cross-border trade processes, ensuring better outcomes for both growers and buyers.  

As DiMuto expands its footprint in the US, it arrives at a crucial 5me when compliance with the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) is becoming increasingly stringent. The FSMA  enforces rigorous traceability standards, requiring the collection and documentation of Key Data Elements (KDEs) at critical tracking Events (CTEs) across the supply chain. DiMuto’s AI-powered platform is equipped to meet these requirements, addressing the growing demand for compliance with these regulations.  

Global supply chains for perishable goods often face inefficiencies and poor visibility, leading to costly disputes and product rejec5ons. Research from the MIT Centre for Transporta5on &  Logis5cs in 2024 revealed that 30% of global shipments suffer delivery failures due to inadequate logis5cs visibility. DiMuto addresses these challenges by providing real-time visibility across the supply chain, enhancing communication among all stakeholders, and significantly reducing such inefficiencies. 

DiMuto has been ac5vely facilita5ng the export of exotic fruits from Latin America to the Asia  Pacific. Products include yellow pitahaya and granadilla from Ecuador, mangoes from  Colombia, as well as blueberries from Argen5na and Ecuador have been digi5zed and tracked 

on the DiMuto PlaXorm, and successfully reaching ASEAN markets such as Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore under the company’s private label. This established presence in Latin America positions DiMuto as a trusted partner in facilitating cross-border trade between the region and key global markets.  

"At DiMuto, we are committed to transforming the way supply chains operate," said Ruben  Alan Tapia, Head of Corporate Development La5n America at DiMuto and member of the  Interna5onal Fresh Produce Associa5on (IFPA) Supply Chain Council. "Our expansion in Mexico reflects our ongoing dedication to enhancing the capabilities of our partners in this vital market. We aim to equip them with technological tools to foster resilience in a complex  environment while driving sustainability through greater transparency and collaboration across the supply chain." 

As DiMuto expands its footprint in Latin America and the US, it remains focused on addressing cross-border supply chain inefficiencies, delivering higher-quality imports with enhanced traceability to the US market. 

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