Sun World: How to set your store up for success no matter the market conditions

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Sun World: How to set your store up for success no matter the market conditions

By SunWorld

Sun World

In the produce market, things change frequently based on availability and popularity. Discover how one grape brand perfected the art of keeping up and staying at the top of its game on both fronts and how prioritizing consistent quality and anticipating consumer behavior can pave the way to success with consumers.

How to set your store up for success no matter the market conditions

When product availability and consumer preferences can shift on a whim, every grocer needs reliable sources to keep the produce aisle fresh and appealing. With AUTUMNCRISP® brand grapes, Sun World has mastered the balance of quality, consistency and year-round availability necessary to supply a staple produce item for stores across the globe.

Prioritize consistent quality

Gone are the days of only getting to enjoy a favorite grape variety during certain seasons. With vineyards in over 15 countries, Sun World has achieved optimal AUTUMNCRISP® freshness, quality and accessibility year-round, and customers are excited by the new trend.

AUTUMNCRISP® grapes are cultivated in the world’s premier grape-growing regions: North and South Africa, Australia, Asia, Europe, North and South America. This global approach to growing means stores can always stock AUTUMNCRISP® grape without seasonal availability or quality concerns.

For years, customers had to wait for the right season to enjoy their favorite green grapes at peak freshness or at all. Now shoppers can find AUTUMNCRISP® brand grapes in crisp condition any time of year. This shift isn’t just a win for consumers, it’s a game-changer for retailers who can now offer consistency in exchange for loyalty.

Connect with customer cravings

Simply stocking quality produce isn’t necessarily a silver bullet for success these days. In the digital age, grocers have the added pressure of tracking trends and stocking the produce customers crave.

How to set your store up for success no matter the market conditions

By building awareness and inspiring cravings online, AUTUMNCRISP® grapes have become a fan favorite on social media where content has proven its ability to convert in-person shopping decisions. Staying up to date on customer cravings based on consumer behavior and digital engagement with brands like AUTUMNCRISP® can help retailers build stronger shopper relationships.

With an opportunity to capitalize on buzz for brands like AUTUMNCRISP®, highlighting popular produce in stores to advertise their ability to fulfill customer demand has the potential to take a store’s success to the next level.

Strategize for success

In today’s market, consistency is key. People want to trust that their favorite produce will be available and of high quality whenever they shop, so stocking stores with items customers can count on will keep them coming back for more.

The AUTUMNCRISP® brand provides an example of how to strategize for success, ensuring that no matter the time of year, shoppers can find a high-quality product they crave. Similarly, stores can prioritize quality, consistency and an understanding of consumer behavior when making produce decisions to see customer satisfaction and sales soar.

Hungry for more? Connect with Sun World’s international team of marketers at and learn more about AUTUMNCRISP® brand grapes here:


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