
Chilean table grape exports are projected to increase thanks to new varietal changes

October 23 , 2024

The Chilean Table Grape Committee released its first industry estimate for the 2024-25 season, projecting a 2.4% increase in exports compared to the previous campaign.

Exports are expected to amount to 66,006,178 boxes.

The executive director of the Chilean Table Grape Committee, Ignacio Caballero, stated that the projection was made in collaboration with 85% of the industry and that this is the second consecutive season the Committee expects growth in table grape shipments.

He added that "the growth also repositions us (Chile) as an industry with a great quality and variety of grapes."


The estimate anticipates an increase in new variety shipments, a trend that continues to gain ground in international markets and represents 65% of exports, or 42,866,374 boxes, during the 2024-25 season.

Caballero explained that 'having a greater supply of new varieties of Chilean grapes makes us increasingly attractive to destination markets since consumers are looking for more flavor, firmness, and crunchy texture.'

Systems Approach

The United States will continue to be the primary destination market for the Chilean table grape industry, with nearly 60% of shipments arriving to the country. Asia follows in second place with 16%, followed by Europe (14%) and other markets (10%).

This season is very significant for the industry, this will be the first Chilean table grapes shipment to the United States under the Systems Approach protocol. This will allow the shipment of table grapes from the Tarapacá, Coquimbo, and parts of Valparaíso regions, without the need for fumigation.

Caballero noted that the Chilean table grape industry is very optimistic about this new season since "the Systems Approach protocol opens up great opportunities in the most important market for Chilean table grapes."

He added that this will allow them to improve the quality of the fruit being shipped and support to local producers.

The association is developing a specific promotional campaign in the United States to further boost the consumption of the fruit, and added that the Systems Approach pilot plan in Mexico is being developed and advancing.

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