President-elect Donald Trump says he's "the most pro-farmer president ever"

This week, Donald Trump was elected the 47th President of the United States. Today, his responses to the American Farm Bureau Federation questionnaire of issues likely to impact farmers, ranchers, and rural communities in the next four years gain more importance.
Regarding food systems and farmer resiliency, the Farm Bureau asked about the policies each candidate would support to "ensure the resiliency of our food system and the American farmers who make it work." Trump opened his response by saying he is "the most pro-farmer president ever," and that he commits to "lowering your energy bills by half in the first year," in order to bring economic relief to farmers.
He hammered on the point of "ending our reliance on China for all critical goods and strengthen domestic Buy American and Hire American policies" and said he would implement tariffs, tax cuts, and other incentives to bring "critical supply chains back home to the United States, ensure national security and economic stability, and expand the overseas market for U.S agricultural goods."
As for farm policy programs, President Trump said that American farmers are essential for the country's economy, and mentioned his signing of "a massive Farm Bill that improved agriculture programs and increased the amount of money farmers can borrow."
He added his intention to improve reference prices, crop insurance, dairy margin coverage, and more specialty crop insurance.
"American agriculture is built on science, technology, and innovation and we must stay ahead of China with our science," Trump stated.
When asked what his plans are to support the free flow of farm products between states and address the patchwork quilt of barriers, Trump said Congress has the power to regulate commerce, not individual states, so he will use all authority given to Congress by the constitution and federal law to stop efforts that hurt farmers.
"I will also direct the Department of Justice and the Department of Agriculture to actively monitor – and strongly oppose – any further efforts to limit the ability of American farmers to sell their products anywhere in this great country," he added.
When asked about the labor shortages that farmers and ranchers face yearly, Trump said the administration is focusing on growing more farm products in the country and rebuilding the United States "with American hands," and when asked about the H-2A visa, he said he will "prioritize merit-based immigration, ensuring those admitted to our country contribute to our economy and strengthen our country."
Rural broadband and rural infrastructure are also top of his list, alongside low energy costs and access to agriculture biotechnology.
When in office, he stated, he also plans to end all EPA rules and regulations that "strangle American agriculture," adding that the EPA shall never micromanage your land.
Climate change, on the other hand, is not a priority for the president. Trump pledged to terminate the Green New Deal and dismantle the net zero policy.
*Photo courtesy of Wikimedia