Kapi Kapi achieves Ecological Blue Blag certification for bananas

Kapi Kapi Growers, a leading Costa Rican grower-shipper of sustainably grown pineapples, bananas, and plantains, announces their banana farms have earned the 5-star rating award with Ecologic Blue Flag (Bandera Azul Ecológica), a Costa Rican based certification aimed at promoting sustainable development and environment conservation.
A 5-star rating, the highest rating, is exclusively awarded to carbon-neutral organizations that also have high performance in criteria like water management, waste management, pesticide and fertilizer use, biodiversity conservation, soil management, and community engagement.
Long committed to industry-leading sustainability initiatives, Kapi Kapi is one of the few and largest companies certified carbon neutral for bananas and has achieved multiple other global certifications and national awards for their commitment to their resources and their community.
“We are proud to add the Ecologic Blue Flag certification to the list of our collective sustainability milestones”, said Sofia Acon, president of Kapi Kapi Growers. “We have put considerable efforts over the last 35 years to build an organization that is not only devoted to growing the very best quality tropical fruits but also nurtures and protects our resources and community.”
The Ecologic Blue Flag program was launched in 1996 with the purpose of improving coastal water quality and promoting eco-friendly tourism. It has since expanded to include other categories, including agribusiness, where the goal is to recognize growers who demonstrate a strong commitment to environmental protection and sustainability.