Fruit World anticipates extra-sweet mandarin season

California grower and shipper Fruit World is experiencing a strong organic and conventional mandarin season, with this year’s organic clementines in particular showing notably high sugar levels. The overall quality is exceptional, with both flavor and appearance meeting high standards, the company said in a release.
Bianca Kaprielian, the founder and CEO of Fruit World, explains that the season started with organic Clementines from Sky Ranch, the family’s property, and that these fruits are performing especially well.
“These mandarins are always special, but this year they are exceptional,” she noted. Other organic varieties, including Satsumas, also exhibit higher-than-average sugar content for this season. With an abundant crop, Fruit World anticipates a continued supply of fruit throughout the season.
Fruit World is currently shipping organic clementines and Satsumas in branded bags, available in 1lb, 2lb, 3lb, and 5lb sizes, and high-graphic cartons. They are also offering organic Satsumas with stems and leaves, providing a more natural presentation for retailers.
Kaprielian emphasizes the opportunity for retailers to create large holiday displays, with the expectation that the fruit’s quality and flavor will encourage repeat customers.
As a company certified by the Equitable Food Initiative (EFI), Fruit World is committed to maintaining high standards for food safety, social responsibility, and environmental stewardship.
“Our focus on sustainability is central to how we operate,” says Kaprielian. “We take pride in offering fruit that reflects both our team’s dedication and our commitment to the land.”
In addition to mandarins, the firm is also offering a variety of other organic fruits, including Navel oranges, lemons, grapefruit, and soon, Cara Caras, Buddha’s Hand, Mandarinquats, and Limequats.
*Featured photo courtesy of Fruit World.