U.S. Government prepares pest risk analysis for the importation of fresh pineapples from Indonesia

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has announced the completion of a risk analysis evaluating the potential pests associated with the importation of fresh pineapples from Indonesia for consumption.
This analysis is part of ongoing efforts to ensure that the U.S. agricultural sector remains protected from plant pests and noxious weeds that could potentially be introduced through the importation of agricultural products.
The pest risk analysis (PRA) has concluded that, with the implementation of appropriate phytosanitary measures, the risks of introducing or spreading plant pests or noxious weeds via fresh pineapples from Indonesia can be sufficiently mitigated.
As part of its regulatory process, the USDA is now making the pest risk analysis available to the public for review and comment. This step is an important part of the USDA's transparency and public participation process, allowing stakeholders, including agricultural producers, industry representatives, and the general public to provide feedback on the findings and proposed measures.
Indonesia is one of the world's leading producers of pineapples, with a tropical climate that's ideal for growing the fruit. Harvest typically occurs between December and June, depending on the region. Indonesian pineapples are known for their sweet and tangy flavor and juicy flesh.