It’s Bio presents seedless organic tangerine
Italian organic production project It’s Bio has announced the launch of Tangerine Tango, a late-maturing tangerine available through April. The group said in a release that the variety offers an “appealing option for consumers mindful of their health and the environment. "
The Tango tangerine is seedless and recognized for its sweetness and juiciness. Its cultivation fosters a balance with local bee populations and eliminates the need for chemical treatments or protective nets. As a certified organic product, it is produced without synthetic chemicals.
In Italy, the annual production of tangerines and clementines typically ranges from 600,000 to 700,000 tons, influenced by climatic conditions and industry trends. Clementines and mandarins represent a significant share of Europe's citrus production. Total citrus production in Italy exceeds 3 million tons yearly, encompassing oranges, lemons, mandarins, and various other citrus fruits.
Sicily is responsible for approximately 65% of national clementine production, supported by fertile soil and a favorable climate. Calabria follows as the second leading region at about 25%, while other regions such as Puglia, Basilicata, Campania, and Sardinia account for the remaining 10%.
The late-maturing Tango tangerine, also known as Tang Gold, is transforming citrus farming, particularly in organic production, by blending quality, sustainability, and innovation. Its harvest season lasts from February to April.
Consumers in Italy, Belgium, and Greece, target markets for the It’s Bio project, show a strong interest in varietal innovation within the organic market. While Italy has a longstanding tradition of consuming mandarins and clementines, Belgian and Greek consumers emphasize quality, health, and sustainability.
The organic Tango mandarin addresses these expectations, offering a product that harmonizes taste, convenience, and environmental respect, It’s Bio stressed.
Sensory characteristics of the Tango include a sugar content ranging from 13% to 15% (Brix), a thin, easily peelable skin, and a lack of seeds, making it a healthy and convenient snack option. Since 2018, members of the AOP Vi.Va Group have cultivated the Tango tangerine, achieving excellent yields.
The It’s Bio project, supported by the European Union and AOP Gruppo Vi.Va., collaborates with leading companies, including Almaverde Bio, Apofruit, Codma OP, Ca’ Nova, Coop Sole, AOP La Mongolfiera, OrtoRomi, and OP Terre di Bari.