Florida citrus industry asks state lawmakers for help

This week, Florida citrus growers pleaded with state lawmakers to take action and help the citrus industry.
Florida Citrus Mutual CEO and Executive Vice President Matt Joyner appeared before the committee to represent state growers and cited a drop in production of more than 90% in less than three decades and, to restore it, asked representatives to provide more research to combat the citrus greening disease.
The CEO said the last two decades have been the most challenging for the Florida citrus industry due to pests, diseases, and natural disasters. This has led to a significant drop in production that might lead to its total disappearance.
At its peak, Florida produced 244 million boxes of oranges and 50 million boxes of grapefruit, according to Florida Citrus Mutual. Last month, the U.S. Department of Agriculture projected that, this growing season, the state will produce 12 million boxes of oranges and 1.2 million boxes of grapefruit.
"Losing the citrus industry is not an option," said Joyner, emphasizing that trees resistant to citrus greening are what's needed to stabilize the industry.
Shannon Shepp, executive director of the Florida Department of Citrus, also noted the importance of advertising money to promote Florida citrus products. “We are admittedly an industry in need of your help,” said Shepp.
The members said discussions are underway both in the Senate and the House of Representatives.
Florida's citrus industry continues to have a significant impact on the state's economy, generating over $6.8 billion annually and paying nearly half a billion dollars in local and state taxes.