
Pewman Innovation: Biotechnological Solutions for Climate-Resilient Agriculture
Climate change is drastically transforming agriculture with extreme weather events becoming more frequent, reducing crop productivity and causing significant economic losses. Pewman Innovation works with biotechnology, enabling farmers to adapt and protect their harvests.
October 17 , 2024

Sun World: How to set your store up for success no matter the market conditions
In the produce market, things change frequently based on availability and popularity. Discover how one grape brand perfected the art of keeping up and staying at the top of its game on both fronts.
October 15 , 2024

VOG’s strategy for fruit and vegetables: Putting the focus back on consumers
In order to appeal to new consumers, including young people, and to retain their loyalty, it is necessary to create a rich, colourful assortment featuring apples with a distinct personality. VOG’s work on its brands fully exemplifies this approach.
October 10 , 2024

The importance of due diligence in business dealings: Insights from the DRC
Many disputes could easily have been avoided by checking with the DRC and practicing due diligence before the sale. Everybody “takes a chance” occasionally, but is it worth taking the risk?
September 24 , 2024

Minister of Malaysia Agriculture and Food Security visits Joy Wing Mau Group, witnessing Malaysia Fresh Durian Launch in China
The launch ceremony of Joyvio Malaysia Fresh Durian in China was held during the visit, which marked the official entry of Malaysian fresh durian into the Chinese market.
September 19 , 2024

Joy Wing Mau attends Asia Fruit Logistica and is awarded Importer of the Year
With a novel and unique aerospace-themed booth, Joy Wing Mau meticulously displayed fruits under its own brands and global partner brands at AFL.
September 18 , 2024

5 Steps Sun World Took to Achieve Branding Success
In a market flooded with choices, standing out is key. Here are five ways Sun World set the AUTUMNCRISP® brand apart and paved the way for the grape phenomenon’s global success.
September 10 , 2024

Summer Citrus: Up Close & Personal with Boet Mouton
Summer Citrus is excited about all the effort that we're making this season with our collaborators in South Africa. That's why we want to share a glimpse from one of our leading growers and citrus distributors, Boet Mouton from Mouton Citrus.
August 30 , 2024

Hamid El Maloui (VitaBlue): “Planasa’s raspberry varieties Adelita and Pink Hudson® allow to extend the season by almost two months”
VitaBlue, one of the main raspberry growers in Morocco, has reached an average yield of 15 tonnes per hectare in hydroponic with Adelita, and now is planting Pink Hudson.
August 19 , 2024

China International Fruit Expo 2024: Linking the world fruit industry to China market
CHINA FRUIT is an important exchange platform established by the fruit industry and it will take place at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre from August 28-30, 2024.
August 12 , 2024