Agronometrics in Charts

Agronometrics in Charts: 2022: Year in Review

The year 2022 witnessed tensions between Ukraine and Russia, impacts of COVID-19, climate change, cost pressures which led to logistical constraints and inflation climbing as high as 9.060% in June 2022 in the US.
January 12 , 2023

Agronometrics in Charts: 2022: Avocados in Review

While retail avocado prices were high during the first half of the year, consumer demand continued in July. This occurred even at a time when consumer dollars were being stretched thanks to inflation.
January 10 , 2023

Agronometrics in Charts: 2022: Blackberries in Review

The industry continues to work on new varieties of blackberries to meet customer requirements and to address phytosanitary problems.
January 06 , 2023

Agronometrics in Charts: 2022: Cherries in Review

Given the lower cherry supply, coupled with almost no overlap between the California and Washington seasons, prices on average remained above the prices recorded in the last four years.
January 05 , 2023

Agronometrics in Charts: 2022: Blueberries in Review

Acclaimed for their flavor, versatility, and health benefits; their consumption has expanded beyond fresh form, ranging from pureed to powdered. The ever-increasing demand from consumers has led to a meteoric increase in global production and trade.
January 03 , 2023

Agronometrics in Charts: 2022: Grapes in Review

After three years of reduced output, US table grape production will climb by 24,000 tons to 850,000 tons in the 2022–2023 growing season.
December 23 , 2022

Agronometrics in Charts: Transition in the supply of strawberries in the U.S. market amid higher prices than last season

During week 49, the supply of strawberries in the US market was composed of almost 47% Mexican fruit, 30% from Florida, 14% from Southern California, 8.2% from Central California and the rest from Canada.
December 21 , 2022

Agronometrics in Charts: Latest forecast for Chilean table grapes: Exports would be 10% lower than last season

Among the new varieties, the red ones will lead the shipments, where Timco, Allison and Sweet Celebration will likely stand out.
December 15 , 2022

Agronometrics in Charts: Washington witnessing smallest apple crop in 8 years

The state ranks number one in apple production, accounting for 64 percent of the U.S. production this year.
December 13 , 2022

Agronometrics in Charts: Rising nectarine yields continue to outpace peach production in Chile

Rising nectarine output continues to outpace peach production as growers expand nectarine acreage in response to higher nectarine returns. 
December 08 , 2022