Agronometrics in Charts
Agronometrics in Charts: Blackberry prices soar above previous years
As Mexico takes the lead on blackberry supply to the U.S. market, prices have begun trending upward showing increases year on year.
November 03 , 2021
Agronometrics in Charts: Peruvian blueberry shipments to U.S. hit highest ever level
There are several reports in the market that indicate that the growth in the market is stabilizing, with less or a total stop to new hectares being planted.
October 26 , 2021
Agronometrics in Charts: Berry prices lower for most categories in U.S. market
This week we're going to check out what's been happening with volumes and prices of berries in the U.S. market. In general prices are running lower than last year, with the notable exception of blueberries.
October 12 , 2021
Agronometrics in Charts: Mango varieties see mixed prices in U.S. market
The U.S. mango market is hitting its window as large volumes from Mexico decrease, creating typical higher prices as other suppliers step in to fill the void.
October 05 , 2021
Agronometrics in Charts: Prices skyrocket for Hass avocados in the U.S. market
In week 38, the price of conventional Hass avocados in the North American market was around US$4.54 per kilogram, showing a 75 percent increase year on year.
September 28 , 2021
Agronometrics in Charts: Asparagus prices rising in U.S. market
Average prices and volumes have followed the regular curve this year, however, as of week 35 and until now, prices have broken with the regular trend of last year and are trending higher.
September 21 , 2021
Agronometrics in Charts: Blueberry prices rising in U.S. market despite higher volumes
Average blueberry prices in the U.S. market this year have followed the regular curve but have had higher prices year on year, despite an increase in volumes to the market.
September 14 , 2021
Agronometrics in Charts: Stone fruit prices down in U.S. market
This week's edition of In Charts will show how the average prices of stone fruits have been acting in the U.S. market, specifically nectarines, peaches and plums.
August 31 , 2021
Agronometrics in Charts: Blackberry prices free fall in U.S. market
The average blackberry prices for week 33 were around $8.98 per container, showing a 51 percent decrease year on year though volumes have remained relatively constant.
August 24 , 2021
Agronometrics in Charts: U.S. summer lemon prices the highest in years
Lemon prices have remained high throughout 2021, even outpacing prices of the last three years, with prices for organic fruit performing particularly strong this summer.
August 17 , 2021