Agronometrics in Charts

Agronometrics Shorts: The 2023-24 Chilean table grape season - Projections and early momentum

Newer varieties such as Prime, Sweet Celebration and Midnight Beauty are gaining traction, collectively expected to represent 63% of Chile's total fresh grape exports, nearing 40 million boxes.
February 13 , 2024

Agronometrics in Charts: Peruvian avocado industry navigating a complex landscape with resilience

Despite its success in the 2023 campaign, avocado cultivation sector in Peru faced several obstacles, particularly in northern Peru, where expectations of high yields and large sizes were met with challenges posed by high temperatures.
February 08 , 2024

Agronometrics Shorts: Relief is on the horizon for the U.S. mango market

While production ramp-up will require time, promotional volume from Mexico is anticipated to be available by April.
February 06 , 2024

Agronometrics in Charts: Chilean Systems Approach pilot in Mexico could serve as a Litmus test for the U.S. market

Rodrigo Astete, sub-technical director of Chile's Agriculture and Livestock Service (SAG) claims that the program allows the application of independent measures that provide the same phytosanitary security as fumigation
February 01 , 2024

Agronometrics in Charts: Price hikes in sight for cherries

This year marks a notable departure from the industry's historical trends, as it is the first time in many years that the Chilean cherry industry anticipates an overall decline in global cherry exports.
January 30 , 2024

Agronometrics Interviews: Berries Paradise

An exclusive look at the Mexican blueberry season with Berries Paradise Chief Commercial Officer Carlos Madariaga.
January 25 , 2024

Agronometrics Shorts: Lime prices on the rise in the U.S. market

Persistent issues like aging trees and disease in nursery stock have contributed to the inconsistency in lime supply from Mexico.
January 23 , 2024

Agronometrics in Charts: Peru becomes the world’s leading exporter of table grapes

In contrast, Chile assumed the position of the second-largest world exporter, contributing significantly with 497,000 tons.
January 18 , 2024

Agronometrics in Charts: 2023 - Year in Review

The somewhat atypical inflation figures are anticipated to prompt a decline in interest rates in 2024, facilitating a sought-after "soft landing" for the U.S. economy.
January 16 , 2024

Agronometrics Shorts: Asparagus prices witness a 37% spike in week 51

Supplies from Mexico are being impacted by adverse weather conditions, marked by heavy rain and cool temperatures, compounded by a succession of cold fronts in Baja California.
January 11 , 2024