Agronotips - Agro-environmental Sustainability
Agronotips - Agro-environmental Sustainability
What are non-conventional renewable energies?

Renewable energies are those that come from virtually inexhaustible natural sources and are capable of regenerating through natural means.

calendar_today January 17 , 2022
Agronotips - Agro-environmental Sustainability
Avocado production: Water footprint and socio-economic implications

It is evident that increasing demand and production of avocados is already causing water stress conditions in some countries, and has the potential to affect many others.

calendar_today January 06 , 2022
Agronotips - Agro-environmental Sustainability
California's water supplies "in trouble as climate change worsens natural dry spells"

A closer look at California’s water resources shows the challenge ahead and how climate change is putting the state’s water supply and agriculture at risk.

calendar_today December 24 , 2021
Agronotips - Agro-environmental Sustainability
The environmental impact of food packaging

Modern food packaging provides a way to make food safe, reliable, shelf-stable and clean, however, some food packaging is designed to be single-use and is not recycled.

calendar_today December 14 , 2021
Agronotips - Agro-environmental Sustainability
Composting 101: What to compost and how to do it

Composting is the natural process of recycling organic matter, such as leaves and food scraps, into a valuable fertilizer that can enrich soil.

calendar_today December 02 , 2021
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