Pacific Northwest blueberry growers must identify and control a number of bacterial and fungal diseases in order to ensure the highest yields possible.
More and more people like to grow their own fruits and vegetables in their backyard, either because they enjoy this stress-relief process or because they want to control everything they consume.
The original Hass tree was really a mistake - a lucky chance seedling. Since then it has ballooned in to by far the predominant avocado variety.
Check out this guide explaining what you need to do to pinch strawberry plant flowers and train runners in all four seasons.
hat to plant when depends on your location and zone, your weather, and your planting method. Some seeds must be started indoors early, and others can be planted right out in the garden.
While the whole of agriculture trends toward automation technologies, the production operations of tree fruit crops still require a fair amount of manual labor.
Composting is the natural process of recycling organic matter, such as leaves and food scraps, into a valuable fertilizer that can enrich soil.
Many insect problems on plants can be managed using nonchemical methods, but some require pesticides and this article tells you the best way to get rid of pests.
Fresh microgreens, herbs and sprouts grown in a south-facing window can provide healthy edibles in a matter of weeks, follow our simple instructions and enjoy fresh food at home.
The pruning of a grapevine is an important step that determines proper fruit formation and harvest. It isn’t difficult, but there are a few rules to follow so that the plant may bear magnificent grape bunches.