Featured Top Stories
Brazil aims to export niche banana variety
Ivanete Pereira says a new Brazilian export banana will provide something new but won't compete with Cavendish.
February 20 , 2013
U.S.: Del Monte income jumps 54.8% for 2012
Logistics improvements have raised Del Monte's profitability despite lower net sales.
February 19 , 2013
Israel: overcoming a diluted produce industry
Israeli Export Institute CEO Ofer Sachs highlights changes for growers since the bankruptcy of Agrexco in 2011.
February 19 , 2013
Berries to become top category "one country at a time", says Bjorn
Driscoll's' Soren Bjorn discusses a wide range of berry trends affecting the European, Middle Eastern and Australian markets.
February 18 , 2013
Mixed reactions over troubled Chilean grape export deal
Importer responses to Chile's difficult grape export season have ranged from disappointment to understanding.
February 15 , 2013
Chiquita expands deciduous brand through independent licensee
The International Fruit Company will keep the Chiquita brand alive for deciduous fruits across various markets.
February 14 , 2013
Modest growth for Southern Hemisphere apples and pears
Chile will take the top spot for Southern Hemisphere apple production but will experience the greatest production drop.
February 13 , 2013
Kenyan exporters "offended" by European bean inspection delays
Kenya's Stephen Mbithi has dealt harsh words to the European Union for untimely bean inspections for pesticide residues.
February 12 , 2013
U.K. professor warns agriculture against extreme weather
Farming will need to become more diverse to fight the effects of extreme weather.
February 11 , 2013
City-Farming takes Fruit Logistica Innovation Award
With City-Farming people could grow lettuce "in the deserts, in the north pole, it doesn't matter".
February 08 , 2013