Featured Top Stories

New Zealand's apple planted area USDA forecast

May 21 , 2024

Fruit analyst Betina Ernst: “Being a woman is an advantage"

March 8 marks International Women's Day, a time to reflect on women’s contributions and their ongoing struggle for gender equity.
March 08 , 2024

Muscadine research promises a new category, between table grapes and berries

The fruit has strong disease resistance, an appealing characteristic for growers. But consumption of the fruit has remained mostly concentrated in the region. Muscadine research could change that.
March 04 , 2024

India: panel suggests tougher import controls for pesticides

An Indian government panel is seeking to reel in usage of restricted pesticides on imported fruits.
May 31 , 2013

Greece: Greenpeace blew residue results "out of proportion"

Incofruit's George Frangistas says Greenpeace skewed pesticide residue results, painting a negative picture of the Greek produce industry.
May 17 , 2013

South African apples and pears shine on European market

South Africa could reach record pear exports, in part due to demand from an undersupplied Europe.
May 17 , 2013

U.S.: salad bars removed from five schools in Monterey

A district-level labor dispute in California has brought a slight setback to the "Let’s Move Salad Bars to Schools" campaign.
May 16 , 2013

Mexico eliminates tariffs for limes, tomatillos

A Mexican lime growers' association representative says the government's recent tariff cuts could lead to an industry "collapse".
May 16 , 2013

Indian mango exporter finds market in Germany

Germany has provided a welcome testing ground for mangoes from India's Rapid Import and Exporters.
May 15 , 2013

Colombia a "paradise" for avocados, says Antioquia leader

The Colombian avocado industry is ramping up production, GlobalG.A.P. certifications and market access talks.
May 14 , 2013