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Congo's urban horticulture yields US$400M surplus

An urban horticulture programme has helped the hungry and led to commercial opportunities in the Congo.
June 13 , 2011

SA satsuma packing comes to a close

Citrus volume predictions for different fruits have shifted slightly in South Africa.
June 13 , 2011

Colombia's ag institute to launch damage mitigation projects

The Colombian Agricultural Institute (ICA) plans to deliver damage mitigation projects amidst a difficult flooding season
June 10 , 2011

Groundwater overuse hits Mexican state's citrus growers

Groundwater in Mexico's citrus-growing state of Tamaulipas has fallen dramatically, leading to a new policy on water permits.
June 10 , 2011

Peru declares 10-year moratorium on GM seeds

Peru's 10-year ban on transgenics could lead to missed opportunities and a brain drain, says scientist.
June 10 , 2011

Australian quarantine cost reforms under fire

The Australian Horticultural Exporters Association has criticized the country's quarantine inspection service for cost shifting.
June 10 , 2011

Peru could become second largest grape exporter in the Americas

Peru's Grape Producers Association has announced the country's grape exports could surpass Mexico and the U.S.
June 09 , 2011

Argentina: HR company denies responsibility for lemon worker conditions

An Argentine HR company embroiled in a lemon farm 'slave labor' case has denied obligations to provide decent worker housing.
June 09 , 2011

Zero tax rates for avocado growers in Argentine province

An Argentine province is cutting avocado production taxes down to zero to bolster exports.
June 09 , 2011

Kenyan farmers produce 'pomato' plants to improve land use

Kenyan farmers have bred a 'pomato' plant in a bid to improve land use and fight hunger.
June 09 , 2011