Top Stories

Northwest cherry growers anticipate a good season

The peak of the season will be the week before the Fourth of July, with the end of June marking the beginning of this peak period.
June 17 , 2024

Chiquita found liable in paramilitary financing case

The company is slated to pay $38.3 million in damages.
June 16 , 2024

The Top Seven

These are's top seven stories of the week.
June 15 , 2024

Bloom Fresh appoints Josep Jove Estiarte as CEO

With over 20 years in the fresh produce industry, Estiarte first joined AMFRESH in 2002 and played a pivotal role in the development and international expansion of SNFL Group.
June 14 , 2024

Updated trends and movements for the global avocado market

Avocado production and exports are expanding globally, with Latin America leading but diversifying worldwide.
June 14 , 2024

California table grape growers award college scholarships

Since 1985 California table grape growers have awarded more than 200 scholarships to help students in the grape-growing regions of California attend college. 
June 14 , 2024

Persian lime industry facing extreme weather in Mexico

The unfavorable weather is expected to impact production severely, and Mexico’s Persian Lime Growers and Packers Association is warning about reduced volumes coming to the U.S. market this season.
June 14 , 2024

Brazilian grapes to make China debut this year

The Brazilian industry is now awaiting the official announcement to begin exports.
June 14 , 2024

Agronometrics in Charts: California set to achieve a record-breaking blueberry season

According to the California Blueberry Commission, California’s 2024 blueberry crop is estimated at 74.5 million pounds, with 53 million going to the fresh market and 21 million pounds going to processors.
June 13 , 2024

Peruvian grape production projected up

Vanguard International Group Peru Sales and Procurement Executive, Fanny Robles, addressed the main trends, challenges, and opportunities for Peruvian grape exports in a recent seminar.
June 13 , 2024