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Washington apple farmers consider future in Indian market

Both family farms view the recent trade win of India reopening its market to U.S. apples as beneficial for apple farmers across Washington.
April 12 , 2024

US national citrus forecast hit by Valencia decline

The USDA NASS April citrus forecast shows a hit to overall U.S. citrus production, resulting largely from a dip in Florida's Valencia crop.
April 12 , 2024

Mexican mango volume drops as Guatemala, Nicaragua rise

In total, this week volume is about 8% lower than what was shipped the previous week.
April 11 , 2024

Grocery price spike leads to formal inquiry in Connecticut

A March 21 Federal Trade Commission (FTC) report is making waves in Connecticut, where authorities will probe alleged grocer price gouging that contributed to historic inflation and higher profits.
April 11 , 2024

Georgia peach growers hopeful for rebound after disastrous 2023 season

With more than 90% crop loss, the Georgia peach industry lost $60 million after a late freeze hit much of the Southeast in mid-March 2023.
April 11 , 2024

Agronometrics Shorts: Mexican asparagus prices plunge amid surplus

During week 10, prices plummeted to $10.85 per package, marking a significant 44% decrease compared to the same period in 2023.
April 11 , 2024

Report: Criminal networks, led by European mafias, jeopardize Latin American fruit exports

The Europol report says criminal networks have inventively made use of legal business structures to facilitate or conceal their criminal activity and launder their money, a scheme that appears to have infiltrated fruit exports. 
April 11 , 2024

The progeny of Honeycrisp and Cripps Pink needs a name

How do you capture the Washington spirit and the international appeal of an apple in one name? That's the goal of Washington State University’s new quest to name its upcoming apple release, WA 64, the offspring of Honeycrisp and Cripps Pink. 
April 11 , 2024

California blueberries gearing up for a better season

California’s volume typically peaks around the third week of May, with blueberries available from mid-late April to mid-June. 
April 11 , 2024

Peruvian avocado supplies build up for 2024

Around 22,000 small producers from Sierra de los Andes saw earlier harvests, boosting volumes by around 60%, Peru’s Producers and Exporters Association said.
April 11 , 2024