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Small-scale Whole Foods format appeals to big-city shoppers

The new concept, called Whole Foods Market Daily Shops will debut in the Upper East Side of Manhattan, New York and expand to other cities. 
March 05 , 2024

Disease-resistant banana could be Costa Rica's first GM product

Before releasing further details, the ministry said the research application must be formalized by the company.
March 05 , 2024

Peru: Grapes dominate ag exports as industry struggles with weather

The main exported fruit in 2023 were grapes, with a FOB value of $1,825 million, an increase of 30% year-on-year.
March 05 , 2024

Colorado farmers face prison time, $6.5M settlement in insurance fraud case

The farmers allegedly tampered with rain gauges, making it appear that less rain had fallen, to access federal funding for crop insurance programs that pay indemnities. 
March 05 , 2024

Maersk transported Chilean cherries by air for the first time

A total of five charter flights, each carrying 500 tons of cherries delivered fruit until late December. 
March 04 , 2024

Northern Chile's grape season to end almost a month early

High winter temperatures caused poor sprouting, which implies more work in greening, thinning, and harvesting, lower efficiency in all work, and generally lower yields.
March 04 , 2024

Egypt overtakes South Africa as continent’s top orange exporter

Weather woes and imposition of cold treatment by the European Commission severely impacted South African citrus exports in the past year.
March 04 , 2024

Muscadine research promises a new category, between table grapes and berries

The fruit has strong disease resistance, an appealing characteristic for growers. But consumption of the fruit has remained mostly concentrated in the region. Muscadine research could change that.
March 04 , 2024

USDA sanctions California and Pennsylvania PACA violators

Five companies in California and Pennsylvania face consequences for alleged Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act (PACA) violations in February.
March 04 , 2024

Legislators rush to reach agreement on EU’s new Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation

The last negotiation session between the European Commission, the European Parliament, and the Council of the European Union is scheduled for March 4, when all points of the PPWR must be agreed upon. 
March 01 , 2024