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Chile And Peru join to face challenges for global grape industry

Grape producers and exporters worldwide have experienced a process of change and stress marked by climatic factors, the Covid-19 pandemic, logistical issues in origin and destination, and the cultivation of new varieties that have not achieved expected results. 
December 12 , 2023

Planasa marks 50th anniversary

The firm recenlty joined forces with EW Group, a German family-owned company in the life sciences sector with presence in more than 50 countries and more than 19,000 employees worldwide.
December 12 , 2023

Uruguayan lemons approved for export to China

Uruguay is Latin America's second-largest citrus exporter, exporting about 45% of its total production. 
December 12 , 2023

Agronometrics in Charts: Adverse weather takes a toll on Chilean blueberry production

A recent forecast now anticipates a 7% decrease from the initial October estimate and a 13% reduction from the previous marketing year.
December 12 , 2023

Salmonella outbreak: Deaths rise to 8, cases reported in Canada

Whole Genome Sequencing analysis shows that clinical isolates from the 129 reported ill people in Canada, are genetically related to those infected in the U.S.
December 11 , 2023

Florida grapefruit and tangerine production up

As for oranges, the USDA’s forecast remains unchanged for the October forecast at 20.5 million boxes
December 11 , 2023

Chilean citrus look to new varieties amid shifting weather

With an unusual 2022-23 season that saw overall Chilean citrus exports increase by 46% year-on-year due to unexpected rains and warm temperatures, the country’s growers are looking at new cultivars to manage the changing Latin American weather.
December 11 , 2023

Bloom Fresh executives share 2024 predictions for the table grape industry

While table grapes as a category are moving forward with greatly improved varieties on offer, the sector has not been without challenges.  Severe and erratic weather events around the world have impacted California and Peruvian volumes.  
December 11 , 2023

CropX readying Australia expansion

The ag-tech firm announced its acquisition of Green Brain, a digital irrigation management solutions provider based in Adelaide.
December 08 , 2023

Oxnard Artichokes offering promotable holiday volumes

As it migrates its growing operations in the fall each year, Ocean Mist Farms has four winter growing regions, with their main winter crop operation being Coachella, California. 
December 08 , 2023