Grape Reporter

Techniques for managing table grape cultivation

This article will show you various best practices to cultivate table grapes starting from zero and managing the crop as it grows.
November 23 , 2021

In a year of challenges, how will California’s table grape season finish?

The Grape Reporter spoke to a number of growers, importers and industry leaders to better understand how the transition to imported table grapes will look as California’s crop starts to wane in the coming weeks. 
November 11 , 2021

"The discussion is now coming back to sustainability on packaging": Q&A with Origin Fruit Direct on EU grape market

The Grape Reporter recently spoke to Corne van de Klundert from Origin Fruit Direct to get his view on what the future of the industry looks like, the importance of branding and new origins that will help the category grow.
November 11 , 2021

Chilean table grapes: Collective decisions are needed to move forward

Carolina Cruz, president of Chilean grape association UVANOVA, says that it will be key to put into practice all the learnings of the past year.
November 11 , 2021

Mealybugs on table grapes in the valleys of Norte Chico, Chile

Mealybugs are difficult to control as they hide in the plant tissue, trunk, crown and arms or among the berries and stems that attach the flowers in the cluster.
November 11 , 2021

New study links eating grapes to improved gut health and reduced cholesterols

A new clinical study published in the scientific journal Nutrients found that consuming grapes significantly increased the diversity of bacteria in the gut which is considered essential to good health overall.
November 11 , 2021

Namibia Grape Company under new ownership

The official handing over of the company took place on Friday with vice president Nangolo Mbumba as the officiator of the event.
November 05 , 2021

Rabobank analysts talk navigating the perils of labor, heat and prices affecting the grape industry

The upcoming Southern Hemisphere season will be a challenging one for the table grape industry as a whole: scarce labor resources, unstable climatic conditions and backed-up ports have all pushed up costs for growers.
October 27 , 2021

State of the Grape Market - October, 2021

Supply and pricing trends were similar in two key table grape markets in October, according to Decofrut's monthly analysis.
October 27 , 2021

Control, management of thrips on California grapevines

Thrips can be detrimental to grapevines, however, this guide will help you to manage the pest before, during and after and infestation.
October 27 , 2021