Grape Reporter

The challenges of the table grape transition: Reliability is king

John Pandol says: "Perhaps there are times and places where bluffing works, but in a world where reliability is king, bad information does more damage than good."
January 11 , 2022

David Marguleas, CEO of Sun World: The global grape industry is in the midst of a profound transformation

We spoke with the industry leader about the thinking behind some of Sun World’s most recent announcements, what the future holds for some key mature and emerging production regions, and the widespread disruption that the grape industry faces as it moves into a new chapter.
December 22 , 2021

A guide to cultivating grapes under covers

The practice of cultivating grapes under covers is an alternative that may be somewhat new for some farmers but has become a favorite of hundreds of agricultural producers around the world for several decades, thanks to its advantages and benefits.
December 22 , 2021

What's in store for UK table grape trends for 2022?

Consumption trends have many nuances that set the UK apart from European neighbors, but with catastrophic forces at work, from Brexit to Covid-19, it is also a turbulent landscape for grape producers to navigate.
December 07 , 2021

U.S. table grape storage numbers significantly lower on last year

The number of California table grapes in storage on the West Coast continues to be significantly lower compared to this time last year, according to the latest USDA report.
December 07 , 2021

Interactive graph: Evolution of table grape imports by top 10 markets over last decade

The Grape Reporter pulled data from the International Trade Center to get a sense of how annual import volumes into the world's top ten markets have been evolving over the last decade. The data has been presented below in an interactive graph so you can see the specific figures for the markets in any year.
November 23 , 2021

State of the Grape Market - November, 2021

Decofrut presents the State of the Market for table grapes during November, looking at supply, demand and pricing for three markets - the U.S., Europe and China.
November 23 , 2021

Techniques for managing table grape cultivation

This article will show you various best practices to cultivate table grapes starting from zero and managing the crop as it grows.
November 23 , 2021

In a year of challenges, how will California’s table grape season finish?

The Grape Reporter spoke to a number of growers, importers and industry leaders to better understand how the transition to imported table grapes will look as California’s crop starts to wane in the coming weeks. 
November 11 , 2021

"The discussion is now coming back to sustainability on packaging": Q&A with Origin Fruit Direct on EU grape market

The Grape Reporter recently spoke to Corne van de Klundert from Origin Fruit Direct to get his view on what the future of the industry looks like, the importance of branding and new origins that will help the category grow.
November 11 , 2021