Grape Reporter

Chilean table grape volumes revised down

Despite the head start in Coquimbo, harvests in the Valparaíso, Metropolitan and O’Higgins regions were much later due, in part, to a colder spring.
March 14 , 2024

Sun World takes unlicensed grape growers to court in Italy

Sun World gathered evidence of unlicensed grapes by drone surveillance and found unauthorized plantations of Sugrathirtyfive, Sugranineteen, Sugrathirteen and Sugraone.
March 13 , 2024

U.S. imports of Chilean grapes to hit 35 million boxes

The East Coast will receive approximately 15 million of those boxes, and the West Coast 5 million.
March 07 , 2024

South African grapes near season's end with strong export volume

Volume to date is up 18% year-on-year. In all, South Africa expects to export 75.8 million cartons this season.
March 06 , 2024

Peru: Grapes dominate ag exports as industry struggles with weather

The main exported fruit in 2023 were grapes, with a FOB value of $1,825 million, an increase of 30% year-on-year.
March 05 , 2024

Northern Chile's grape season to end almost a month early

High winter temperatures caused poor sprouting, which implies more work in greening, thinning, and harvesting, lower efficiency in all work, and generally lower yields.
March 04 , 2024

Muscadine research promises a new category, between table grapes and berries

The fruit has strong disease resistance, an appealing characteristic for growers. But consumption of the fruit has remained mostly concentrated in the region. Muscadine research could change that.
March 04 , 2024

U.S. grape market remains tight ahead of peak Chilean volume

Supply issues began in August when Hurricane Hilary struck California. From there, the industry witnessed a domino effect of adverse conditions.
February 29 , 2024

Indian grapes see volume increase, but face transit challenges

Despite starting its season two weeks earlier than normal, Indian grape production volumes is expected to increase by 20% during the 2023-24 season.
February 27 , 2024

Peru's table grape debut in Japan nears 2,500 tons

Up to week 5 of 2024, Peru has exported more than 14 varieties, with Allison accounting for nearly 22% of all shipments.
February 22 , 2024