Grape Reporter

Chilean grape industry reacts to California’s opposal to Systems Approach

The California industry is encouraging USDA Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack to permanently abandon approval, deeming it a "risky proposal".
November 23 , 2023

Chilean grapes regaining steam given lower market supplies

With tighter supplies from California and Peru, the sector remains optimistic as it projects a 5.2% volume increase year-on-year.
November 21 , 2023

California table grape industry asks to desist from approving System Approach for Chile

"U.S. producers do not want this system to be implemented and the fact that Chilean importers want it should hold no weight for the USDA," says the President of the California Table Grape Commission, Kathleen Nave.
November 17 , 2023

Panama Canal delays threaten Chilean grapes and Ecuadorian bananas

Spot banana business out of Ecuador and the specialized reefer-centric Chilean grape season are especially vulnerable to the delays. 
November 16 , 2023

American importers pushing for US Systems Approach approval

After 20 years of work the Systems Approach has been authorized by the technical organizations of both the U.S. and Chile, it now awaits publication in the Federal Register by the USDA.
November 15 , 2023

Peruvian table grape exports down 9%

Provid’s General Manager Alejandro Cabrera tells that the decrease is mostly due to weather phenomena.
November 14 , 2023

Agronometrics in Charts: Global grape market under strain

The increasing frequency of El Niño and La Niña events is undeniably impacting grape production globally, introducing unpredictability into growing conditions.
November 09 , 2023

Chilean table grape exports project 5% uptick for 2023-24

For the upcoming 2023-24 term, the U.S. is projected to take 56% of overall shipments, with Asia and Europe following with a 19% and 16% share, respectively.
October 25 , 2023

Bloom Fresh wins legal battle in South Korea over table grape licensing

The firm successfully demonstrated that the patented variety named IFG Six and the trademark Sweet Sapphire were in wide use despite the company’s ownership of the intellectual property. 
October 25 , 2023

AUTUMNCRISP Brand Grapes Pique Consumer Interest

AUTUMNCRISP® grapes are transforming the table grape category, and consumers are taking notice.
October 24 , 2023