Industry & Trade
Industry & Trade
Notable changes mark table grape sector in Southern Hemisphere

Over the last 10 years, the table grape industry has shown great dynamism, especially in the Southern Hemisphere, with numerous changes taking place.

calendar_today August 16 , 2021
Industry & Trade
Analysis: Old Southern Hemisphere table grape varieties get left behind while new ones dominate

Southern Hemisphere table grape varieties have expanded over the last ten years and are expected to continue to grow in popularity, leaving the older varieties behind.

calendar_today July 23 , 2021
Industry & Trade
Sun World adds Australian grape grower-marketer

This move expands Sun World’s roster of table grape marketers in Australia, with FPG joining longstanding Sun World licensees Costa Group, Perfection Fresh/Fruit Master and Fruitico.

calendar_today July 22 , 2021
Industry & Trade
Global grape trade volume to hit record in 2020-21 as industry clears "multiple hurdles"

In addition, if forecasts are realized, this year could also mark the first time Peru surpasses Chile in production, the USDA report said.

calendar_today June 14 , 2021
Industry & Trade
Sun World sells its farming operations

A sea change in the nature of the produce industry, Sun World has announced that it will focus its resources on genetics, branding and licensing, while a Sun Pacific affiliate is set to acquire its growing operations.

calendar_today May 06 , 2019
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