Decofrut presents the State of the Market for table grapes during September, looking at supply, demand and pricing for three markets - the U.S., Europe and China.
Average grape prices in the U.S. market throughout 2021 have been higher than those of 2020, with the exception of January and April, even though volumes have been higher year on year.
Over the last 10 years, the table grape industry has shown great dynamism, especially in the Southern Hemisphere, with numerous changes taking place.
John Pandol told FreshFruitPortal he will be watching retail pricing and whether this inflationary period will eliminate the US$0.99/pound ad from merchandising plans.
Shipments of table grapes from Chile this season reached 536,248MT, showing an 11 percent decrease year-on-year, according to ASOEX.
In addition, if forecasts are realized, this year could also mark the first time Peru surpasses Chile in production, the USDA report said.