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Joyvio: ready-to-eat is the next move for Chinese blueberry industry

Joyvio's Dr. Jin Xixuan looks at some of the challenges of developing ready-to-eat fruit for the Chinese market.
June 16 , 2014

Surplus worries for China's booming blueberry industry

One Chinese fruit industry rep has questioned whether blueberries will follow the price falls seen for blackberries and raspberries in 2010.
June 16 , 2014

Peru: ProArĂ¡ndanos aims for full industry participation

An incipient Peruvian blueberry growers' group believes joint planning will be a boost for the industry.
June 16 , 2014

U.S.: APHIS prepares pest risk analysis for Mexican fresh fig imports

U.S. authorities believe irradiation will help mitigate pest risks from the import of Mexican figs.
June 15 , 2014

U.S.: Giumarra expects good acid-to-brix ratio from NZ Meyer lemons

Giumarra Wenatchee is optimistic for the upcoming import season of New Zealand-grown lemons.
June 13 , 2014

English pome fruit group surprised by Thai, Indian bans

English Apples and Pears staff found something unexpected when looking into new market opportunities in Asia.
June 13 , 2014

Smartphone app mixes home gardening with education and design chic

With the help of a smartphone app, a U.K. company makes hydroponic gardening an easy and visually appealing addition to the living room.
June 13 , 2014

NZ, German companies join red-flesh apple association

IFORED now has two new members, with the first pre-commercial, red-flesh apple orchards set for planting in 2015.
June 13 , 2014

Washington D.C. lease signed for "world's most productive urban farm"

Local food-oriented BrightFarms is one step closer to building a greenhouse that is almost double the size of its Pennsylvania operation.
June 13 , 2014

Argentine avocados on path to recovery

After a disastrous season, Argentine avocado growers are intent on renourishing orchards and getting back on track.
June 13 , 2014