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Australian authorities make final decision on fenthion

With a 12-month phaseout, Australia has banned almost all horticultural uses for the chemical fenthion.
October 17 , 2014

China: Lenovo pioneer turns to social media for kiwifruit marketing

One of China's most influential men is looking at new ways to trade kiwifruit via smartphone e-commerce.
October 17 , 2014

Russia may add Ukraine to list of banned countries

Russian authorities believe Ukraine may be re-exporting agricultural products from prohibited countries.
October 17 , 2014

Chiquita rejects new Brazilian offer

Chiquita says Cutrale-Safra have 'failed to deliver' an irrevocable offer, claiming a merger with Fyffes would provide much better value than US$14 per share.
October 16 , 2014

Fairfood International calls for change in Philippine pineapple industry

A Fairfood International report alleges huge pay disparities between employees and 'contractual' workers at Dole Philippines and Del Monte Philippines Incorporated.
October 16 , 2014

The Packaging Pitch: delving into the cultural context

Marketing expert Lisa Cork draws on a recent trip to Thailand to explain the importance of culture in packaging.
October 16 , 2014

Chilean producers crushed by second consecutive year of frosts

A Chilean grower says frosts in southern production regions have destroyed 30-100% of several fruit crops.
October 16 , 2014

Broccoli chemical may help improve autism symptoms

A small clinical study has concluded a chemical found in broccoli sprouts could open up new autism research avenues.
October 16 , 2014

EU authorities must act on downward consumption trend, says Freshfel

A Freshfel rep says the EU must relax its 'extremely limiting' marketing rules to boost fresh produce consumption.
October 16 , 2014

Costco makes move into China via online retailer

Costco will sell some of its products in China through Alibaba's website, delivering orders from its U.S. warehouses.
October 16 , 2014