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Chile: information platform aims for early ag disease prediction

With support from a Silicon Valley company and the Chilean Government, three young entrepreneurs have created a device for real time orchard monitoring with the goal of mitigating plant disease effects.
May 30 , 2014

Mozambique Panama Disease talks to yield containment report

A continental action plan is currently being drafted for Africa to address the potential spread of Panama Disease TR4.
May 30 , 2014

U.S. study shows grapes could help prevent blindness

New research from the University of Miami has revealed grapes' eye-protecting properties.
May 29 , 2014

U.K.: FPC slams 'fortress Europe' approach to plant safety

FPC chief executive Nigel Jenney says the European Commission ignored recommendations from its own experts in the way it tightened rules for South African citrus imports.
May 29 , 2014

Peru bets on cherimoyas in the U.S. market

The U.S. would likely become Peru's top cherimoya export market once a protocol is finalized.
May 29 , 2014

Thai fruit company launches new criminal case against English activist

Britain's Andy Hall faces fresh legal action from Thailand's Natural Fruit after appearing on Al Jazeera.
May 29 , 2014

South African citrus growers claim mismatch in new EU regulations

South African citrus growers are wondering why they've been singled out for a disease other exporters have too.
May 29 , 2014

New EU requirements 'within South Africa's capabilities', says Chadwick

Justin Chadwick finds some encouragement from the European Union's new rules for South African citrus, but calls for government action to bring long term security to the trade.
May 28 , 2014

State of the Market - Week 21, 2014

The first placements of U.S. plums in Guangzhou for the season were reported in week 21.
May 28 , 2014

The future's bright for Mexican mangoes

Excellent mango quality in Mexico means growers are positive this season, despite some market issues.
May 28 , 2014