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Indian mango region looks to Bangladesh for market opportunities

With Europe cut off, Indian mango farmers are having to look to new markets to balance their sales portfolios.
May 07 , 2014

Apples and onions bolster NZ horticultural exports in 2013

New Zealand's wine sector was not able to beat apple growers' phenomenal rise in export values last year.
May 07 , 2014

U.K.: record profit for Berry Gardens in 2013

After registering its highest ever profits, Britain's leading berry grower-marketer has appointed a new chairman.
May 07 , 2014

Ecuador prepares for spread of Panama Disease

Panama Disease has put researchers on alert in Ecuador, who hope to develop better detection methods.
May 06 , 2014

India threatens WTO action against EU over mango import ban

Indian politicians have criticized the EU while lambasting their own authorities over a ban on mangoes.
May 06 , 2014

Brazilian apple orchards declared free of codling moth

Through extensive eradication work, Brazil is now free of a major apple pest.
May 06 , 2014

U.S.: Michigan dominates Salad Bars to Midwest Schools campaign

We take a look at United Fresh's current salad bar drive and the effects of improved school lunch legislation for a produce distributor.
May 06 , 2014

Chile to form national table grape committee

The wheels are in motion to form a national committee for growers and exporters of Chile's most-shipped fruit.
May 06 , 2014

More oranges means more juice for Brazilian citrus industry

Improved productivity should bring up Brazilian citrus volume this year, particularly for juice.
May 05 , 2014

U.S.: APHIS allows cold treatment-free Colombian cape gooseberries

Cape gooseberry, physalis, goldenberry, aguaymanto and uchuva - they're all the same fruit and many Colombian growers will now have an easier job of shipping them to the U.S.
May 05 , 2014