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Colombian fruit growers 'hope to continue work' during upcoming strikes

Asohofrucol hopes Colombia's strikes do not cause road blockages, and expects minimal disruptions to harvests.
April 24 , 2014

Talks underway in Panama Disease-hit Mozambique

Mozambique's largest banana exporter has met with international experts to discuss management of TR4.
April 24 , 2014

New Zealand apple trade resumes in China

New Zealand and Chinese authorities have come to an agreement to continue apple shipments.
April 24 , 2014

Copa-Cogeca calls for immediate action on South African citrus

European co-operative Copa-Cogeca has called on the EU to enforce black spot restrictions against South Africa.
April 24 , 2014

Brazilian limes notch positive performance in early 2014

While Mexican growers have struggled to garner lime volumes, Brazil has recorded a sharp year-on-year uptick.
April 24 , 2014

U.S.: Origami cantaloupe harvest unfolds for Legend Produce

Legend Produce has increased acreage of Origami cantaloupes to make them its dominant variety.
April 23 , 2014

Australia: Boughey calls for more "commercial" Thai cherry protocols

The Australian Government has requested changes to Thai cherry import protocols.
April 23 , 2014

Russian import ban "will happen", says Polish grower group

One of Poland's biggest apple grower associations is developing other markets to soften the blow from a likely Russian ban.
April 23 , 2014

State of the Market - Week 16, 2014

Lower kiwifruit volume and higher prices for bi-colored apples characterized the week 16 produce market.
April 23 , 2014

Peru ends successful 2013-14 mango deal

Peru's mango industry was able to both raise volume and maintain good prices in foreign markets this season.
April 23 , 2014