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USDA expects Chilean stonefruit rebound in 2014-15

After frosts that hit the recent crop, Chile stonefruit growers are gearing up for higher production in 2014-15.
August 21 , 2014

South Africa considers altering GM labeling legislation

Stricter regulations could soon come into force in South Africa to clarify what constitutes GM produce.
August 20 , 2014

State of the Market - Week 33, 2014

Cherries from the U.S. fetched higher prices than those from Canada in the Chinese market during week 33.
August 20 , 2014

Europe: Copa Cogeca welcomes emergency package but calls for more help

European farmer and cooperative organization Copa Cogeca believes more extraordinary measures are warranted to soften the blow from Russia's import ban.
August 20 , 2014

Argentina: All Lemon attracts new customers despite lower volume

Frosts slashed Argentina's lemon exports this year, but the industry's quality standards are yielding new partners.
August 20 , 2014

U.S.: National Mango Board to host online 'webinar' on best ripening protocols

The NMB is due to hold another web seminar today on mango ripening practices, with 'more progress to be made'.
August 20 , 2014

British minister calls for clarification over European CAP reforms

The U.K.'s Elizabeth Truss has called for more clarity and flexibility in EU reforms related to crop diversification.
August 20 , 2014

EU funding omission a stain on Spanish pomegranate sector

A key Spanish region used to export almost a third of its pomegranates to Russia, yet the fruit has been left off an EU support list.
August 20 , 2014

Russia intercepts produce imports from banned EU countries

Russia has prevented 11 cases of agricultural imports totaling more than 93MT via Belarus, including shipments from banned EU countries.
August 19 , 2014

Limoneira invests in northern Chilean citrus

U.S. fruit company Limoneira has made its first investment abroad with a bet on Chilean citrus opportunities.
August 19 , 2014