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European diplomats visit South African citrus operations

The CGA hopes a recent diplomatic visit will help dramatically reduce citrus black spot interceptions in Europe.
June 30 , 2014

U.S.: doubling Chiquita's rent 'not punitive', says Gulfport

Gulfport says charging Chiquita more rent over the lease extension period isn't retaliation for leaving.
June 30 , 2014

India raises minimum price for potato exports

After a decision to limit export prices on onions, India has now applied a similar measure to potatoes.
June 30 , 2014

Opinion: blueberry varietal change in Argentina and the effect on early markets

Argentinian Blueberry Committee (ABC) manager Ines Pelaez discusses a recent farm visit to Agroberries SA.
June 27 , 2014

U.S.: mixed fortunes for California stonefruit sellers

While many Californian stonefruit growers have suffered from bad weather, those unaffected are enjoying better prices.
June 27 , 2014

A tale of two states for U.S. sweet cherry production

The biggest U.S. states for sweet cherry production have witnessed significant changes, in opposite directions.
June 27 , 2014

Young Entrepreneur: fresh export opportunities simmering for 'Jam boy'

A young developer of 100% fruit-only jam is set to receive honors from the Queen of England.
June 27 , 2014

Citrus Australia signs MoU with Chinese retailers

A landmark strategic deal with China's biggest agricultural distributor is set to be a boost for Aussie citrus exports.
June 27 , 2014

U.S. Northwest finds cherry amour the world over

A range of markets are showing great interest in U.S. Northwest cherries, but it would take the "entire world" to move the 2014 crop.
June 27 , 2014

Spain: Valencia fruit industry racked by hail

Citrus, melons and persimmons have been some of the fruit crops most affected by severe hailstorms in eastern Spain.
June 26 , 2014