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Farmworker advocates expect more of EPA pesticide standards

Farmworker Justice's Virginia Ruiz speaks about new EPA pesticide standards and what still needs to be done.
February 25 , 2014

U.K.: Fairtrade Foundation aims for 'game-changer' campaign

We speak with the face of a campaign aimed at teaching British consumers about the realities of banana-growing in Colombia.
February 25 , 2014

Guatemalan baby banana grower aims for direct exports

A Chiquita baby banana supplier has launched its own brand to market a portion of volume.
February 25 , 2014

Aussie-grown Bolivian superfruit debuts in the U.K.

British retailer M&S continues its exotic fruits campaign with an Amazonian specimen related to mangosteens.
February 25 , 2014

Argentina moves closer to Philippine fruit market access

Philippine inspectors were happy with the state of Argentine pome fruit and grape operations during a recent tour.
February 25 , 2014

Spring Festival sales were 'stable', says Tenhands Industries

A Taiwanese importer looks back on recent pre-Chinese New Year sales.
February 25 , 2014

Cornerstone in place for India's biggest perishables market

Modelled after Rungis in France, the US$242 million Gaunnar perishables market is on its way in India.
February 25 , 2014

Sunburn sizzles Brazilian apple crop

Brazil will have fewer apples than expected to work with this season, but hopes are still high for a rise in exports.
February 24 , 2014

Fruit-eating lemurs demonstrate better memory retention

Lemurs that consume a fruit-rich diet were found to have better spatial memory.
February 24 , 2014

Interesting opportunities for U.S. produce industry in Europe, says PMA

We caught up with the PMA's Nancy Tucker and others from the U.S. delegation at this year's Fruit Logistica.
February 24 , 2014