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European Union takes stand on "apple a day" health claims
In the eyes of European law, a recent Oxford University health study is not enough for apple growers to spruik their record production to consumers.
January 15 , 2014
Chile: special forces storm San Antonio port
"This is war" is the response of a Chilean union leader to police occupation of the port of San Antonio.
January 14 , 2014
Around the world with the Adelita raspberry
The Adelita raspberry has been highlighted by marketers as a travel-durable variety.
January 14 , 2014
Peru looks to take second spot as grape supplier in China
Peru has big expectations as a grape provider to the Chinese market.
January 14 , 2014
Chinese smartphone app adopts fruit sales pitch
Chinese app WeChat, now with 100 million users, has given fruit a prominent position in its 'Selected products' section.
January 14 , 2014
Chile: Fedefruta releases strike effect estimation
Fedefruta's Cristián Allendes says a minority group in Chile without legal foundations is "killing the country".
January 14 , 2014
Seedless table grapes lead the way in South Africa
Leon de Kock says a transforming South African grape offering will move more strongly into retail.
January 14 , 2014
Peru: Camposol plans avocado sourcing from new countries
Four new nations are in Camposol's sights for supplying avocados as part of a diversification scheme.
January 13 , 2014
Maersk Line announces dedicated American shipping company
Maersk Line's SeaLands will provide regional services throughout the American continent.
January 13 , 2014
U.K.: Marks & Spencer highlights "licorice" Dicolored pear
M&S takes us behind the scenes with a licorice-flavored pear from the Czech Republic grown in England.
January 13 , 2014