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Brazil nears eradication of major fruit pest

Brazil is close to overcoming one of its most damaging pests, the codling moth.
March 22 , 2013

Mexico: Citrus growers rush to sell for fear of drought damage

Drought in Mexico's Tamaulipas state is forcing producers to rush and sell citrus before it goes bad.
March 22 , 2013

Cherry-plum hybrid ready for marketing in E.U., Turkey

Developers hope the Nadia cherry-plum hybrid will lead a new generation of fruit.
March 22 , 2013

Eastern appeal strong for Mexican mango sector

Mexico mango producers have their eye on the Asian market, but the sector must first make improvements.
March 21 , 2013

Grape packing nears an end in South Africa

To date, South Africa table grape exports are slightly down but compare well to previous years.
March 21 , 2013

E.U. and U.K. come to ag policy agreement

The U.K. will now have the right to dictate its environmental farming policy under an agreement with the E.U.
March 21 , 2013

Blueberry leaders to convene in Santiago, Chile

The International Blueberry Organization Summit will bring together industry leaders this April 23.
March 21 , 2013

Chile developing tool to determine Psa risk

A new tool should help Chilean kiwifruit growers rapidly assess their risk of Psa.
March 21 , 2013

Market Pulse Week 11 - 2013

Peaches had good movement in the U.S. as the season came to a close in week 11.
March 20 , 2013

Aiming high for Peruvian avocados in 2013

Peru's ProHass has its eye on the Chilean market and growth in the U.S. and Europe.
March 20 , 2013