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Peru on track for higher mango exports
Good flowering should set Peru up for over 10% growth in its mango exports.
October 11 , 2013
Chelan Fresh promotes cherries on the go
Chelan Fresh's Mac Riggan compares the company's Cup o' Cherries to the convenience of a to-go coffee.
October 11 , 2013
U.S.: California researchers near HLB early detection
Research led by a University of California team could improve HLB treatment and diagnosis.
October 11 , 2013
Shipping giants join forces to form South American company
The world's largest reefer owner and operator has combined with Chile's Pacific Seaways in a new venture.
October 10 , 2013
Chile extends agricultural emergency measures to Metropolitan region
The Chilean government will deliver emergency support to 18 growing zones around the nation's capital.
October 10 , 2013
Driscoll's plans blackberry variety transition in Mexico
Gerardo Cruz from Driscoll's discusses plans to ramp up Mexican blackberry production with sweeter fruit.
October 10 , 2013
Canadian govt pledges support for greenhouse veggie growers
Canada's AAFC plans to collaborate with cucumber, tomato and pepper growers to improve yields and fight disease.
October 10 , 2013
Spanish citrus industry makes fresh calls to ban South African citrus
Spain's AVA-ASAJA shared biting words, calling for an immediate ban on South African citrus.
October 10 , 2013
Australian govt hopes for China FTA within 12 months
Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott is optimistic a free trade deal can soon be reached with China.
October 10 , 2013
Chile: Fedefruta gives crop-by-crop frost loss update
Chilean frost loss damages estimates have risen by 20 million boxes of fruit.
October 09 , 2013